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  • What are digital certificates? Digital certificates are a type of security token. A token is an electronic form of a check, bill or other kind of issued paper that is used as a security mechanism. Most tokens are issued with a time-defined expiration date, and can be validated against a list of documents known as discovery dates. This list of…[Read more]

  • Cap Table Spreadsheets are Excel spreadsheets that list all the current equity stake available for an individual stock or company in the market. Equity values are shown as a percentage of the market cap. All the stocks you can see are in the “cap table” or are blue columns. This is normally reflected in a separate tab to the spreadsheet which…[Read more]

  • A Startup Cap Table is often used by early stage or start-up ventures to identify the ownership structure of the business. It shows ownership percentages, asset ownership percentages and other metrics which are essential for calculating the value of a venture. The startup cap table represents the business as it stands today and is essential in…[Read more]

  • In these technologically challenging times, a digital stock certificate is an invaluable asset. They are especially useful for investors who buy and sell shares frequently. In addition to keeping track of your portfolio, they allow you to compare prices of different shares without having to go to the company’s office. Digital certificates are also…[Read more]

  • The first portion of this course is about managing digital certificates. This includes an introduction to digital certificate systems. The next portion provides a brief overview of the history of digital certificates and their role in security management. Then, general information about managing digital certificates is provided with detailed…[Read more]

  • Pickett Farrell became a registered member 1 year, 12 months ago