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  • Creativity ought being as natural to us as breathing, and when we’re in the zone it is: the ideas flow, we see inspiration all around us and solutions present themselves with effortless ease. When we’re in touch with our creativity – which is actually innate part very own nature, even if we’ve convinced ourselves to the contrary – there’s nothing…[Read more]

  • The muse. Your imagination. Creativity. A person want to call it, this is the source of inspiration for you musical workings. It strikes when least expected, whether you are prepared or not. So for this post, I’m going deliver you some methods for getting your muse/creativity/imagination to work you r (or at least get her to cooperate, because she…[Read more]

  • If you are living the same world I do, I’d wager that you hear people saying “I’m not creative,” and you say it yourself. This agreement I say, codswallop, for two major reasons. The first reason is the fact , I love competence . codswallop and I take every possiblity to do so.

    “What is creativity? Having spent existence in one creative…[Read more]

  • Imagine your creativity as a young child of four or five years old, playful, fun loving, and full of energy and enthusiasm. Young children need their bulk. It is very important. Several a parent is familiar with of what is where their young one misses their grain! How are you treating your creativity? Is it behaving for you? Or is it missing its…[Read more]

  • Cohen McGraw became a registered member 2 years, 2 months ago