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  • “Donation Warehouses are the most valuable assets for any hospital, college or other medical facility.” Sounds like a pretty good statement doesn’t it? The fact is that there are hospitals and other medical facilities around the country that don’t use them. Don’t they need them?

    The reason these facilities don’t use a donation warehouse is…[Read more]

  • As we enter into what is predicted to be a multi billion dollar marketplace, Google is in a unique position of being able to influence not only the direction but the style and scope of the future technology industry. To that end, the company has released its latest product called Social Impact. Just as Google Now has been modified to read text…[Read more]

  • Are you looking for creative partners to help you grow your business? Creative Partners consists of a group of experts who are responsible for identifying unique opportunities to grow your business. They work with clients to explore their audience, find the right products and services, and develop creative ways to communicate your message. They…[Read more]

  • Creative Impact Group is an award winning full-service creative media company and full service creative integration partner for events, meetings and creative marketing programs. They provide a silent support team to busy event and meeting coordinators, VP of marketing, account managers, trade show professionals, marketing agencies and agency…[Read more]

  • Best Places to Donate Furniture to Charity. Donating your unused furniture to charity is a hassle-free method for getting rid of your unwanted material. However, charities do not take just anything. Just give furniture which s in fairly good condition.

    Some things that are fine to donate include household items, but many people are hesitant…[Read more]

  • Crowder Rich became a registered member 2 years, 2 months ago