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  • I just need an appraisal”The insurance along with the registration document don’t match but may I get my auto taxed”Exactly what does it take to commit a minor and just how would you manage it if you don’t have medical insurance

  • Typical car insurance costs for 21 year old man?

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  • 10 ITEMS! Can it be costly to insure and range rover?

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    What good is affordable health care when more…?

    “I’m fully…[Read more]

  • May this citation be reported to my insurance ?

    “I’m 21 old male. I passed my driving exam 5 weeks before since I have 3 points on my permitI am 16 years of age and looking for a cheap scooter(ped) or scrambler…howmuch will be the <a href=" insurance[Read more]

  • Haahr Torp became a registered member 2 years, 10 months ago